Election 2016: Media Coverage & Effective Crisis Management Consulting
Today’s Wisconsin primary plays an important role in the US Presidential election 2016, especially for the Republican candidates. Much as a Presidential candidate has to prepare for dealing with an onslaught of media attention and coverage, so businesses must prepare for dealing with media coverage, particularly when faced with a crisis situation. Effective crisis management consulting is a vital part of the success or failure of a business.
Dealing with the Media in a Crisis
While there are many definitions for what constitutes a crisis, a crisis may generally be defined as any sudden or unexpected incident that threatens the operations, reputation or even the existence of an organization. There are many types of incidents that can constitute a crisis and these include: natural disasters, industrial fires, government or regulatory investigations, shareholder lawsuits, product recalls, workplace violence, chemical spills, layoffs of employees, strikes and other labor protests, or the kidnapping or assault of a top executive, to name just a few.
When a crisis does occur, organizations are going to find themselves the subject of intense media scrutiny. The key to turning this opportunity into positive media coverage lies in effective crisis management consulting assistance and the advance development of effective crisis media procedures / plans that the organization will implement in support of the organization’s overall crisis management plan. The crisis management plan should address how the organization will deal with the crisis to minimize loss of life and property and protect the public. The crisis media plan should focus on how the organization will communicate with the media, the public, and other interested stakeholders about the crisis and the organization’s efforts in resolving the crisis.
The Importance of a Crisis Media Plan
Yet, many organizations fail to seek crisis management consulting assistance or to prepare a crisis media plan. Many organizations in the past have effectively dealt with a crisis, only to lose in the court of public opinion by being viewed as unresponsive, uncaring and not in control of the situation. Failure to convey the efforts of the organization to manage a crisis can lead to legal actions, create turmoil within the organization, result in the loss of shareholder confidence, and diminish market value. While a crisis cannot always be avoided, they can be managed. If an organization can effectively convey the message to its stakeholders that it is attempting to resolve the crisis, and continues to inform the public of its progress, public opinion will side with the organization. A good crisis media plan will enable the organization to focus on resolution of the crisis and prevent it from becoming a public relations disaster.
Learn More About IMG Group, a top Crisis Management Consulting Firm
IMG, a top international security consulting firm, has extensive experience in employee travel security and crisis management consulting. To learn more about the solutions offered by IMG, please visit: http://www.theimg.com/security-services/crisis-management-consulting-and-support
About the IMG Group
The IMG Group is a leading international security consulting firm with considerable experience in corporate risk assessment and crisis management consulting. Corporate or business organizations concerned about their need for global security expertise can reach out to the IMG Group for assistance. The company’s expert security consultants provide services such as employee travel security, VIP and executive travel security, forensic psychology consulting, workplace violence consulting, technical surveillance countermeasures and more.
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