Pickpocketing goes back hundreds of years and is still practiced in much of the world today. Although few people endorse the crime, society tends to view pickpockets more kindly than thugs, gangsters, and other common criminals. After all, it is a craft requiring both skill and training. Pickpocketing has also been the subject of many well known plot lines in literature, such as in Charles Dickens’ famous novel Oliver Twist, making it somehow less threatening in the eyes of many.

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For some firms, trade secrets and proprietary technology are their single largest competitive advantage. Unfortunately, these advantages are becoming ever more vulnerable to exploitation by corporate spies.  Even though it is illegal, industrial espionage continues to be a threat for global firms, and it is critical that businesses take steps to protect their most vital information. Unfortunately, many perpetrators of corporate espionage are affiliated with foreign governments or remain anonymous, making prosecution difficult if not impossible. That is why it is crucial for firms to adopt a defensive posture against this ever-persistent threat. The following are 10 simple strategies businesses can follow in order to reduce their risk of corporate espionage and maintain their competitive edge. Continue reading

Workplace violence is a concern for almost every business, manager, and human resources department. Although it is a phenomenon that affects men more than women, organizations should pay special attention to workplace violence’s unique impact on female employees. After all, according to the Department of Justice over 250,000 women are victims of workplace violence each year. Moreover, the threats facing women are often different from those facing men, and policies implemented to protect males will not necessarily be as effective in protecting females. Continue reading

Unlike many cities in Europe, Tokyo is almost entirely modern. With little left of its historical past, the bustling metropolis is typified by skyscrapers, concrete, and electric lights. This is largely because the city was devastated by bombing during World War II and had to be rebuilt during the post-war years.

Most visitors to Tokyo are struck by its sheer size. Indeed, with a population over 30 million, Japan’s capital is the world’s largest metropolitan area. During the Cold War, Tokyo was the heart of East Asian industrialization and modernization. For this reason, it has become a center for business across the region. Perhaps that is why a staggering 47 companies on the Forbes 500 are headquartered in the city.

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In our last article, we discussed the potential for war in the Persian Gulf and the impact this could have on firms with employees assigned there. In today’s post, we will be discussing the potential threats and contingencies firms should prepare for if a conflict in the Gulf does break out.

Obviously, the best course of action for any business would be to evacuate its employees and their dependents prior to the commencement of hostilities. However, there is no guarantee of advance warning, and there may not be adequate time for an orderly withdrawal of personnel before the fighting begins. Furthermore, standard crisis and evacuation plans may prove inadequate given the potential for a high-intensity conflict lasting for several months. That is why it is crucially important that firms prepare themselves for the special challenges that could materialize if a war in the Persian Gulf ensues. Continue reading

The Republic of Korea, more commonly known as South Korea, is one of the economic success stories of the past half-century. The nation emerged from the early 1950s war-torn and impoverished. Soon after, South Korea launched itself on a path of rapid economic growth and development. Today, it is considered one of the world’s more prosperous and developed nations. Korean firms such as Daewoo, Hyundai, LG, and Samsung are well-known brands with a global reach. As a result of this success, businesses from all over the world have established a presence in the Republic. In fact, there are now an estimated one million foreigners living in South Korea while millions more tourists and business travelers visit the country each year. Continue reading

Following the disclosure of a string of assassination operations during the Cold War, President Ford issued Executive Order 11905, prohibiting government personnel from engaging in political assassinations. The order was reaffirmed by President Reagan in Executive Order 12333 and has generally been considered US policy ever since.

However, the United States has continued to engage in military operations that have often blurred the lines between assassination and targeted warfare. For example, President Reagan directly targeted Moammar Gadhafi’s home in 1986 with air strikes. For his part, President Clinton used cruise missiles to attack insurgent camps in Afghanistan in 1998. Furthermore, both presidents Bush and Obama have made drone strikes against Al-Qaeda leaders and militants a major component of the War of Terror. Continue reading

Cyber security is a well-known concern of individuals, companies, and governments. Many organizations hire specialized personnel and put in place elaborate systems to ensure that their information networks are safe from intrusions, viruses, and other cyber threats. However, it is common for managers and planners to fail to see the critical role that physical security plays in safeguarding these systems.

There have been many incidents that highlight the need for proper physical security in any cyber security plan. In fact, almost a third of the disclosed security breaches in 2009 involved missing or stolen physical equipment. For instance, one of the largest government data breaches of all time occurred when a Veteran’s Affairs laptop containing the records of over 20 million people was lost. There has also been a spate of missing/stolen laptops, computers, and other hardware at critically important facilities such as the Los Alamos National Laboratory. These incidents underscore the importance of utilizing physical security techniques to complement cyber security protection plans. Continue reading

In our last three articles on kidnapping, we covered the types, geography, and targets of the crime. In this piece, we will present practical information on how to avoid becoming a victim of abduction. While the past few articles should help individuals assess their risk, this piece will identify clear steps to protect people from this crime. The following are ten tips that can be taken in order to reduce the risk of kidnapping. Continue reading

In our last article, we discussed the geography of kidnapping, investigating the regions of the world with the highest incidence of the crime. In this article, we will be examining the potential targets of kidnapping and determine the types of individuals who stand the highest risk of abduction.

The Rich

It should come as no surprise that those capable of generating a large ransom payment are those that stand a higher risk of becoming targets. This is why the wealthy and affluent tend to be the most popular targets of economic kidnapping. However, it is not only the super-rich who are victims of this type of crime. Many middle-class professionals and businessmen have been targeted as well. In many cases, however, it is not the principle income earner who is the victim. Rather, it is those closest to them, such as their wives or children. Continue reading